Sunday, September 18, 2011

Lately I have been thinking a lot about honesty. I have wondered to myself, how honest am I to my fellow men? Do I tell the truth in all things? do I cheat a little while playing a game to make my chances of winning a little grater? The definition of honesty is to be sincere, truthful, and without deceit at all times. One of the lessons in church today was on honesty. I found it quite ironic because of the fact that I had been thinking a lot about this subject. Is God trying to tell me something? I sat there and thought, "oh man, God is telling me that I'm not very honest" The more I thought about it, the more I realized that even though I don't lie about everything I say. Or I don't always cheat while playing a game. That doesn't mean that I'm perfect because there is a lot that I have to improve on. The natural man wants us to cheat, lie, and not be honest in anything we do. When we lie about something, that causes us to need to come up with more lies to cover up the first lie. That is not what God wants us to do. God wants us to be honest in all things. It is more important then most of us think it is, something I'm beginning to realize. For example maybe the cashier at the grocery store gave you one dollar more then they should have when they gave you your change. Are you going to say "oh it's just a dollar, it's not a big deal" or are you going to take it back and say "I think you made a mistake when you gave me my change back, here is the extra dollar" The natural man would say "keep it, it's just a dollar". God would say "take it back". It is necessary that we are honest to receive exaltation in Gods kingdom. I could be more honest in my daily activities. Sometimes God reminds us of these things even though they may not seem to be a problem. These lessons help us continue to be better and improve our lives. The 13th article of faith states "we believe in being honest"

Verily I say unto you, all among them who know their hearts are honest, and are broken, and their spirits contrite, and are willing to observe their covenants by sacrifice—yea, every sacrifice which I, the Lord, shall command—they are accepted of me. (D&C 97:8)

to learn more about honesty check out this link

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